
Showing posts from December, 2020

Corporal punishment and the smacking ban in Scotland.

 Foreword. For anyone unlucky enough to have stumbled across this blog I would advise that the following post is one of my longer, more rambling efforts. This is because it deals with a complicated topic and I found it impossible to restrict myself to my brief opinions without doing an injustice to it’s seriousness. I apologise in advance. ------------ The Scottish government recently brought into law the banning of the smacking of children. While this might morally and ethically be a positive step I also suspect that this is a short sighted move which will only result in parents ending up with criminal records and fines (which many will struggle to pay) and maybe even jail time. I suspect most of any parents found guilty of this will come from our more deprived citizens (more about that later). I feel it is a law brought in by middle class politicians who have no real idea of life for those less comfortable than themselves and who have not enjoyed as good an education or upbringin...