Scottish politics - independence and (a degree of) English arrogance.
Foreword: In the following, my use of the term ‘Scots’ relates to all who live in Scotland - not just those with some genetic link to the country and it’s brutal history.. While writing my post about the island of Luing it dawned on me that I’d not posted anything about politics recently - and this was particularly remiss of me given the recent Holyrood elections. I think this happened because I had found myself hooked into a social media site called Quora. I don’t know how I joined this site as I didn’t ask to - I just suddenly, one day, started receiving emails from it. This site works by contributors posing questions with others then providing answers - or, more accurately, providing answers which suited their opinion and point of view. Most of the emails I was getting were questions about Scottish independence - and, as far as I’m concerned, most of the questions were clearly phrased to elicit anti-independence answers (although a few were more supportive). I found myself una...