Inhabited west coast Scottish islands - Muck
The isle of Muck is one of the Small Isles which is a small group of islands (normally given as four) just to the south of Skye. I say ‘normally given as four’ because, since I’m including tidal islands in my inhabited, west coast island tour as separate islands, then there are five islands in the group. The fifth, and smallest, is Sanday which is tidally connected to Canna. Muck is the smallest of the four but the second smallest of the five. It is the most southerly of the Small Isles. It lies roughly east to west, and about 2.5 miles long measured that way, and about 1 mile south to north at it’s widest. It has a permanent population of between 30 to 40 (depending upon which article you read - but not very many, anyway). It is fairly low lying with the highest point being Beinn Airen at only 449 feet. Beinn Airen is located on the western part of the island close to the southern coast. The main habitation is at Port Mor on the south coast which is reached by the CalMac ferry from Ma...