As I write this we are experiencing a second COVID-19 wave - or maybe it’s still the first wave that’s been let out of the bag, with a second wave still to come? Some of this, no doubt, has been caused by opening up the air corridors so folks can take foreign holidays in the sun - despite, in Scotland anyway, being strongly advised by Nicola Sturgeon not to do so. Some have then come home to find that the country they have visited have been added to the quarantine list and they then have to self isolate for fourteen days - with some deciding not to do so and spreading the virus back home (if they have contracted it while away). What amazes me is that many of those folks have complained loudly about this despite repeated warnings not to travel abroad. Some of this, no doubt, has been caused by trying to open the schools and universities and some just in an attempt to reopen the country so that businesses (restaurants and bars, for example) can start to operate before they go bust.
Whatever the reason for the current increase in cases, and deaths, we have also witnessed an increasing number of illegal house parties, gatherings in the street after the pubs have closed, and an increasing number of protests about the restrictions imposed on society. An apt name for those doing any of the above is COVIDIOTS. I would be quite happy if many of them catch the virus and become seriously ill. That might teach them not to be idiots about this - but the more that do get ill then the more the virus will be passed on and more deaths will be the result. How do we prevent this happening? I have no idea but I recently read an article by a psychologist who wrote that confronting those idiots (by calling them idiots, and similar, to their faces) was not the way to deal with them - that doing so would only drive them onto the defensive and deepen their views. He suggested that the best way was to question them and make them think, as fear was currently preventing them from thinking clearly. He went on to say that an immediate change of view was unlikely but that encouraging them to think might eventually lead them to see things differently.
If that is true then the following are a few of the questions I’d put to them.
1) So, you believe that government’s all around the World, of the left, right & centre, liberal governments and dictatorial ones alike, have all agreed to invent COVID-19 at roughly the same time?
2) So, what do you see all those governments, of different ideologies, gaining from inventing this virus?
3) So, you believe all those governments, particularly capitalist ones, are seriously damaging their economies over a hoax?
4) So, you think the NHS, and health services all around the World, have invented all these hospitalisations and deaths just to backup their government’s hoax?
5) So, you think all the people who have suffered and recovered from COVID-19, their families and the families of those who have died, have invented this to satisfy their government - or that all those people are part of a fake news conspiracy?
6) So, if you think it’s a conspiracy, have you considered accessing the Births, Deaths & Marriages records in your area - and following up on the death records directly by seeking confirmation of the families concerned, or their neighbours, that the named person has died and died of COVID-19 - or do you believe that this hoax has stretched to local registration offices falsifying their records just to conform to what central government is telling them to do?
7) Assuming the local records are accurate what do you think has caused the excess number of deaths this year? The only difference between this year and previous years is the COVID-19 virus and if that was a hoax then surely the number of deaths this year would be similar to previous years?
8) If you accept the records are not being fixed, and you are only against the lock down measures, then why have the number of cases, and deaths, fallen under lock down but increased again as lock down was relaxed?
There could well be other, and better, questions to pose to those idiots (sorry, misguided souls) but the above would do for a start.
As for what those misguided people fear? Some, I presume, fear catching the virus and becoming seriously ill or dying and they prefer to stick their heads in the sand and pretend it does not exist. Others, no doubt, fear for their jobs and some fear that the value of their stocks and shares will be lost as companies they have invested in go bust. Some, no doubt, just object to the restrictions placed on them and would rather see the number of illnesses and deaths increasing than be restricted in such a way - even if it’s only for a short period (with respect to the expected total length of their lives). I fear there is nothing that will change the minds of that last group - they are just ignorant, stupid, selfish bastards who have no care or consideration for the lives of others - and humanity would be better off without them. The other folks stand a chance of being persuaded to change their minds and behaviours and I encourage everyone to try and do so.
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