Current affairs - the current Hamas/Israel conflict (October 2023)

Before going on, I need to make it clear that I am not an expert, or even a student, of middle eastern politics and that the comments and observations which follow are based only on what I have seen and heard on the TV and in newspapers.

While it is impossible to condone Hamas’ attack on Israel (Saturday October 7th 2023), I also can’t help thinking it would not have happened if Israel did not have what I see as a right wing, almost fascist, government.The indiscriminate murder of civilians, including children, is nothing short of atrocious, despicable and inhumane - but if you feel backed into a corner, with no escape, and continually abused, then I suppose an explosion of such violence should be expected. I certainly was not surprised. I would make it clear, at this point, that my comments about the Israeli government are not aimed at Jewish people in general but, as said, at the government. I know there are many Jews who also object to how their government deals with the Palestinian people (they just seem unable to elect a more liberal government which might do better on that issue).
On the other hand, why would Hamas carry out such an attack? They must have known, or at least expected, the strength of the Israeli response and the reaction of most of the rest of the World? Perhaps they hoped that, underneath the condemnation, there would be pressure, behind the scenes, on Israel, from around the World, to stop the land grabs and persecution and move towards agreeing to a separate Palestinian state? Of course, if Palestine was a totally separate state then the Israeli land grabs would be seen as illegal and nothing less than an invasion of another country. The sad fact of the matter is that Israel does not want to be stopped from stealing that land - and their friends around the World, including the USA and the UK, don’t want to stop them.
Outside of that, I see only one solution to this never ending issue: Israel simply carries out a complete genocide of ALL Palestinians. It will not work just removing Hamas and killing all their active members as that would only result in new recruits looking to revenge the murder of their friends and family. Would the world stand back and let Israel do that? Would the result of that be a world war and maybe the use of nuclear weapons? Who knows but that would be a possibility that must be avoided.
One of the problems, as far as I can tell, is Israel’s continued open invitation for Jews from anywhere to come to Israel to settle. That puts pressure on land availability which in turn leads to the right wing Israeli government approving more and more stealing of Palestinian land and homes. This policy might have made sense immediately after the creation of Israel, to boost the population and provide a refuge for Jews that were (or felt) oppressed, but that is no longer the case. If Israel does not abandon this policy then what are they going to do many years from now after natural population growth, along with continued immigration, pushes the population even higher than is currently the case? Perhaps expand into Jordan or the Lebanon or even Egypt? Not much hope of Israel choosing to end this policy but it should, just as the USA should abandon the rights of it’s citizens to bear arms. I see both the above as examples of an insane attachment to an entrenched view anchored in the past, both of which now cause more problems than they solve.


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