Current affairs - the Israel Gaza war (update)
As always when discussing this issue, I have to make it clear that any negative comments I might make about Israel relates only to the Israeli government and not the Jewish people, either in Israel or elsewhere. It’s a pity I need to do this but what I see as the Zionist movement have made an excellent job of turning any attacks against Israel into anti-semitism. This, of course, gives Israel a free hand to behave as it wants to do. For example: Recently a prospective Labour candidate somewhere, and a Muslim, seemed to suggest that Israel had allowed the October 7th Hamas attack to go ahead just so it could then invade Gaza and use the attack on Israel as an excuse to carry out the atrocities we’ve all seen. The Labour party dropped it’s candidate like a hot potato. Much as I have no love of the current Israeli government, I suspect this person’s statement was pretty unlikely to be the case (as if there was any evidence for this then there would be very serious consequences for those that had allowed this to happen). It was also a pretty stupid thing to say, given the current climate within the Labour Party - but what was said was an attack on the Israeli government and not an attack on all Jewish people (unless it’s being suggested that those kidnapped and killed were making a deliberate sacrifice for the Israeli government’s cause).
Anyway, way back on October 14th, I suggested that there were only three outcomes to this conflict that I could see. The first was for a Palestinian state to be created. This might bring an end to the power of Hamas, although there would probably still be extremists on both sides desperate to see the end of the other. Maybe the UN would need permanent deployment along the Gaza border to ensure the peace was maintained? The second was the destruction of Hamas - but only in the short term. I suspected that all that Israel’s attack would achieve would be a new grouping of Palestinian freedom fighters that would rise up as the current children, who survived the current war into adulthood, decided upon revenge. My third suspicion, fear even, would be that Israel was going to seek a final solution (term chosen deliberately) - the total genocide of the Palestinian people.
It looks like Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister, saw matters the same as I did, and being totally unwilling to even consider a separate Palestinian state, decided on the genocide option, while, of course, denying any such suggestion.
The West, complicit, as always, with Israeli government crimes, have more or less turned a blind eye to the Israeli government’s murdering attacks on the people of Gaza, the vast majority of whom are not members of Hamas or terrorists There can be no doubt that Hamas’ attack on Israel was a crime in it’s own right and deserved a response which punished the perpetrators - but the Israeli response has been so far beyond that that there is simply no comparison.
One good sign is that the West is finally starting to respond to Israel’s actions - and are even starting to suggest that the two state solution is the only solution which stands the chance of a reasonably permanent peace (probably only as long as the border is policed). Here is to hoping that that is the eventual solution - even if Israel has to be forced into accepting this.
Again, I close with insisting that verbally attacking the Israeli government is not being anti-Jewish, no matter how often or how loudly the Zionists try to claim it is.
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