Scottish politics - the (deserved) demise of the SNP (another rant)
Foreword and forewarning: This post has grown into being another rambling rant about the SNP and Scottish independence - when it was originally intended as a fairly brief analysis looking at why the SNP’s standing in the opinion polls has collapsed in the way it has. Unfortunately, new factors came to light as I wrote - and things got a bit out of control as what I was writing grew to encompass this additional information. So, advance apologies. Anyone with an interest in Scottish politics will be well aware that the SNP is currently in a free fall situation as regards it’s standing in opinion polls. What follows is an attempt to understand why that has happened - with maybe a pointer as to what comes next and how to fix the problem (if it can be fixed). Firstly, a background as to what I think went wrong. During August 2021 Scotland’s SNP government made a power sharing deal with the Scottish Greens. In my view a serious mistake which inexorably led to support for the SNP collap...