
Showing posts from May, 2024

Scottish politics - the (deserved) demise of the SNP (another rant)

Foreword and forewarning: This post has grown into being another rambling rant about the SNP and Scottish independence - when it was originally intended as a fairly brief analysis looking at why the SNP’s standing in the opinion polls has collapsed in the way it has. Unfortunately, new factors came to light as I wrote - and things got a bit out of control as what I was writing grew to encompass this additional information. So, advance apologies.   Anyone with an interest in Scottish politics will be well aware that the SNP is currently in a free fall situation as regards it’s standing in opinion polls. What follows is an attempt to understand why that has happened - with maybe a pointer as to what comes next and how to fix the problem (if it can be fixed). Firstly, a background as to what I think went wrong. During August 2021 Scotland’s SNP government made a power sharing deal with the Scottish Greens. In my view a serious mistake which inexorably led to support for the SNP collap...

Inhabited, west coast Scottish islands - Canna and Sanday

The island of Canna is the western most of Scotland’s Small Isles. It is also the second smallest, after Muck - if, that is, you consider Canna along with Sanday as a single island (which is usually the case). If you consider them as two islands then Sanday is the smallest (even smaller than Muck) and Canna then becomes the third smallest (or third largest). Take your pick. In this post I’m going to do a bit of both: together and separate as it is sometimes impossible to tell (from the articles I read) to know, one way or the other, if the information is solely about Canna or Sanday or both. This meant that I, too, had to write about both islands in the same post, just to reduce my chances, as much as possible, of providing inaccurate information. Canna is sausage shaped (long and narrow), lying roughly horizontally east to west, with a bit of a waist in the middle. It would therefore be more accurate to describe it as two fat sausages joined end to end with a wee bit of a bealach join...