Inhabited west coast Scottish islands - Ulva update
Just a few days after I published my post on Ulva and Gometra I saw a BBC TV programme (Designing The Hebrides) about the renovation of an old bothy on the south coast of Ulva. My post said that there were no buildings on the south coast of Ulva - or any paths in that direction. This, clearly, was not the case - but, in my defence, none of the articles I’d read, prior to my visit to Ulva, mentioned this bothy even existed. Having said that, I need to hold my hand up to failing to examine my maps more carefully and at a magnification level which will clearly show such features. Near the start of this programme there was a map which indicated the location of this bothy so I was able to use the map apps on my phone to focus on only this area. My Google Maps indicated nothing - and at first my free version of OS maps also indicated nothing - but, still on my OS phone map, I zoomed in on the area and there indeed was a small building shown (a small rectangle). I then used the map applicatio...